Thursday, April 18, 2013

Arduino Uno + Grove = Ultimate Boat Sensor

We've been pretty busy on the boat front lately but nothing solid yet.  Still working on all aspects.

On another front, I've been working on the ultimate boat sensor setup.  I've combined an Arduino Uno and a Grove Base Shield along with the following sensors:
1) Real Time Clock
2) MQ-5 Gas Sensor (LPG, NG, little alcohol..)
3) Barometer
4) Temp and Humidity
5) MQ-2 Gas Sensor (LPG, i-butane, alcohol)
6) Compass
7) I2C Chain (Can use up to 7 I2C devices)
8) Compass
9) Moisture Meter
10) Air Quality Sensor (Carbon Monoxide,..)
11) Light Sensor
12) 2 Relays
13) Motor Control for 2 small motors
14) GPS  (Backup, location/time for logging data)

All the sensors are from Seeed Studio purchased from  The Arduino has a USB port so all the sensors will output a NEMA0183 type sentence which can be read from any MFD or software.  Should be fun.  Future enhancements will be motion detector and maybe a touch sensor and WiFi.  The Arduino is a lot of fun to work with and uses very little juice so we may have a few more for other things???

This should cover a lot of thing that might go wrong on the boat but also monitor our environment as we travel through uncharted territory.

Finished "The Ice Master" book last week, very well done, recommended reading.



  1. Stumbled across your post. Interesting!

    Just about to start work on a project boat of our own and therefore starting to think about outfitting it with comprehensive sensors too.

    Any chance of picking your brains via e-mail?

    Many thanks


  2. Jim,
    Sorry, just saw your comment! How's the project going? Glad to swap sensor ideas!
